High Risk Critical Task / Selection, Hiring, Retention

This agency is committed to hiring only those persons qualified for employment in law enforcement and/or corrections. This agency seeks the highest level of professionalism and integrity by its members and recognizes that this commitment begins with the selection of candidates for this agency. Members of this agency have been subjected to a rigorous selection process and only those qualified candidates were chosen. It is the policy of this agency to provide officers with continuous training on recurring, high risk, critical tasks that members will face. It is the mission of this agency to protect and serve the community by retaining highly qualified members to respond to the ever-growing needs of the community and to deliver professional and courteous service while enforcing the laws and ordinances within the jurisdiction.

A comprehensive Personnel Early Intervention System is an essential component of good discipline in a well-managed law enforcement agency. The Early Intervention System is a supervisory tool and not a disciplinary process. The early identification of employees exhibiting symptoms of stress or other behavior that could pose a liability to the community, the agency, or the member must be detected as soon as possible. When appropriate, an intervention consisting of a menu of remedial actions can increase agency accountability and offer employees a better opportunity to meet the agency’s values and mission statement.

The system should identify patterns of behavior that might be symptomatic that an individual employee requires an intervention. The system should review at a minimum:

  • Complaints    Shooting Incidents
  • Domestic Misconduct Incident    Performance Evaluation
  • Incidents Involving Use of Force    Use of Sick Leave
  • Civil Litigation    Preventable Accidents

Question: An early intervention system is best described as:

  1. A disciplinary process
  2. A supervisory tool
  3. An officer evaluation tool

Answer: B

The early intervention system is not designed as a disciplinary tool but rather to identify areas of officer performance that may require closer observation and adjustment with a goal of improving member performance.