Online Courses to Meet Your Year-End Training Needs!

As a reminder, NIRMA partners with Lexipol/LocalGov U to provide members with hundreds of online training courses that can be utilized to satisfy annual continuing education requirements. Preview the courses available from new links added to the platform’s...

Register now for Fortify: 2024 NIRMA Annual Conference

This year’s annual Self Defense for County Officials Conference, exclusively for NIRMA members, is scheduled Oct. 24-25, 2024 at Younes Conference Center North in Kearney. We are pleased to announce our keynote speaker, Nick Lavery, an active duty Green Beret...

Welcome, Hayes County Agricultural Society

Effective March 12, 2024 NIRMA grew to 113 members overall with the addition of the Hayes County Agricultural Society.  Hayes County joined NIRMA in 1989. A warm welcome to the program’s 29th county-related public agency member. These entities stand alongside...

Successful Regional Seminars

Thank you to the nearly 300 member officials and employees who attended NIRMA’s recent regional Spotlight Seminar Series, the Power of You. The seminars focused on how each individual, no matter their job position, plays their own part in moving the risk...

Money For Minutes Winners!

By Chad Engle, Loss Prevention and Safety Manager Recognizing and rewarding member county and agency safety committees for their loss prevention efforts is one of the most enjoyable parts of my job.  To qualify for this year’s Money for Minutes program, member safety...