By Chad Engle, Loss Prevention and Safety Manager

Our partners at the Nebraska Safety Council have launched a new resource aimed at helping their members take full advantage of the benefits they provide.  During these monthly zoom calls the Nebraska Safety Council managers will review membership benefits, answer questions and take suggestions for new benefits.  They are intended to be interactive, so please show up with your questions and a desire to learn how the Nebraska Safety Council can help you help your employees stay safe at work.

The next Membership Mondays Monthly Zoom call is scheduled for September 18, 2023, at 1:00 pm Central time.  You can register for the meeting by going to the Nebraska Safety Council’s website.

NIRMA provides all member counties and public agencies with an annual membership to the Nebraska Safety Council.  It is yet another benefit aimed at protecting employees and saving tax dollars.  We strongly encourage our members to take advantage of these benefits and attend the next monthly membership meeting.

Additionally, the Nebraska Safety Council is promoting its new Agriculture Community Outreach Health & Safety Initiative, specifically its Cultivating Community Program, focusing on services especially helpful to rural residents. Through this initiative, NSC connects you to various health and wellness training programs, free of charge or for a minimal fee.  Follow the link above for more details on the many available programs, ranging from help with smoking cessation, suicide prevention, roadway safety, respiratory protection, and Lyme disease prevention.