By Chad Engle, Loss Prevention and Safety Manager
This month’s article is my fourth and final installment in my safety committee responsibilities and duties series.
Policy Review and Program Review, while listed separately in the Safety Committee Resource Handbook, are similar enough that we can discuss them in the same article.
Policy Review is recommended annually. It is also recommended that policy review be completed prior to year-end so that a report summarizing the past year can be provided to management in January. The policy review should be conducted by safety committee members with management or representatives of management from each office or department and should cover their office or department’s safety and health policies. Specifically, the team should be addressing what, if any, policy revisions in these areas are necessary. Safety and health policies are always evolving and need to be reviewed regularly. During a best safety practices audit, it is common for a member to answer affirmatively that it has adopted a safety manual, but also acknowledge that the existing manual needs updating. Taking the time to make regular revisions provides policies that are consistently up to date and serve the employees and county or agency as intended. The longer a member goes between policy reviews the greater chance that the policies are out of date. This can lead to liability, safety and security issues. Cyber security policies are an excellent example. Cyber threats are ever-changing, and we must ensure that our policies protect us from current threats, not threats from years past.
Program Review is also recommended annually. The safety committee should conduct this internal review or audit to evaluate its effectiveness and the relationship between the committee and the various offices and departments in the county or agency. This evaluation is to determine whether the committee is meeting its goals and fulfilling its responsibilities and duties. NIRMA’s Safety Committee Resource Handbook contains a Safety Committee Audit Checklist intended to aid a safety committee in completing an annual program review. Once the review is completed, recommended changes or suggestions should be brought before the County Board or governing body to be considered for implementation.
Conducting regular policy and program reviews keeps your county or agency up to date with the latest regulations, technology and best practices. Up to date policies and programs are consistent and effective at helping to protect your county or agency, your employees, and the people that you serve. As always, I can be reached at [email protected] or 1.800.642.6671 with questions.